Written by Nethra Singhi
In a country of a hundred and eighty crore mobile phone users, seventy crores of which use the internet on it, it’s no surprise that mobile education is the future. This has been further proved during COVID-19 times, where students have been attending classes via mobiles and tablets. We at Agastya have always believed in the power of technology to make education more accessible and less costly. Hence, we had to tap into the potential of mobile education. Thus we launched the WeLearn app on the Playstore and offered the modules on phones and tablets under our Lab-on-a-Tab program.
Then, during the first wave of the pandemic, we realised the potential of using the app to spread information about COVID-19, its symptoms, precautions to take, etc. Eleven COVID-19 modules were launched in six languages, including English. But because the app is designed for children, we took a different approach to spread this information. These modules address concepts pertaining to COVID-19, but they are cut across subjects, making information easier to understand and from different perspectives.
The pandemic created questions and interest in the students around communicable diseases, sickness, health. As it was a recent phenomenon, it became a learning opportunity. Thus, instead of restricting the modules to any subject boundaries, we used the learning opportunity to address a vast range of themes.
These child-friendly COVID-19 Modules cover diverse topics like Biology, Mathematical models, the Socio-Economic impact of pandemics, Mental Health issues, the history of germs and viruses, the types of antibiotics and types of vaccines, and the immune system systems and also the History of Pandemics. The topics are explained through creative visuals, such as comic strips and whiteboard animations.
Instead of putting these topics under the various subjects on the app, we created a separate subject called COVID-19. You can find the modules under each respective class, with issues appropriate for that age and standard. For instance, the history of pandemics is covered under class 7 in English and five other languages.
The app is designed for self-learning; hence, the child can go through the modules independently, select whatever topic they’re interested in, and learn through the animated lesson. Each lesson also comes with a summary quiz and activities the child can try at home, reinforcing known material.
The latest COVID19 module about overcoming vaccine hesitancy to awaken the public to get vaccinated was published by the Lab-on-a-Tab (LOT) team. The module is aimed at both children and adults, taking one through the vaccination process and breaking down the science behind it so that one can see the benefits of taking the vaccine.
You can download the WeLearn App here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.agastyawelearn&hl=en_IN&gl=US
Some modules are also available on the myagastya.education website, another self-learning initiative by Agastya where a child can log in to their account and start their learning journey with animated videos and text material compliant with the CBSE syllabus.